» About the Conference » Scientific Committee » Martin Hopenhayn
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Master degree in Philosophy at the University of Paris VIII, 1979, directed by the French philosopher Gilles Deleuze. Resident in Santiago, Chile, since 1981. Author of  articles and books in Chile, Argentina and other Latin-American countries, on cultural criticism; the impact of globalization on culture, education and labor; the debate of modernity-postmodernity; changes of the development paradigms in Latin America; and sociocultural changes in the Latin American youth. Regarding these topics, he has taken part in courses and conferences since 1984, in Europe as well as in Latin America. He has been professor of philosophy at the University of Chile (1980-1985, 1993 and 1998) and Diego Portales University (1983-1988). Since 1989 is a researcher for the Social Development Division of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC),  where he is the current director.